What Sets Us Apart

We are:


We are confident that concentrating on a select number of thoroughly researched investment opportunities with superior quality, valuation and growth parameters carries lower risks and offers greater return potential than overdiversifying the portfolio into lower quality or more expensive, or less-known opportunities.

Research - Driven

Minimizing risk hinges on rigorous research. We employ a refined, proven research process, supported by an extensive network of fellow investors, analysts, executives, and business owners who contribute to idea generation and due diligence.


We operate with agility, devoid of corporate mandates and committees. We are committed to remaining agile and focused so that we can perform our fiduciary obligations (as opposed to addressing shareholders' pressures).


Our proprietary EDGE® (Enhanced Dynamic General Equilibrium) portfolio construction and risk management processes are key to ensure consistency and to promote downside protection over a full market cycle.  


We invest side by side with our clients. Most of our personal capital is invested in the same strategies available to our clients. Our interests are aligned with our clients' interests. 

According to a 2016 study by The Financial Times of data provided by Morningstar, “half of the 15,000 mutual funds in the US are run by portfolio managers who do not invest a single dollar of their own money in their products.”